1. Choose the correct
a. GIGI refers to the errors due to .......
i. incorrect data ✔
ii. faulty hardware
iv. All of the above
iii. Program
b. ................ was the main electronic component used in
third generation computer.
i. Transistor
ii. Integrated circuit ✔
iii. Vacuum tube
iv. VLSI
c. An analog computer can process ..............
i. temperature
ii. pressure
iii. speed
iv. All of the above ✔
d. In how many generations a computer can be classified?
i. 3
ii. 4
iii. 5 ✔
iv. 6
e. .......... programming language was/were used in first
generation computers.
i. Machine language ✔
ii. Assembly language
iii. Both of above
iv. None of above
f. The speed in a supercomputer is measured in ...........
i. Floating point operations per second ✔
ii. Million instructions per second
iii. Kilobits per second
iv. Gigabits per second
g. ............. is an input device used on a computer.
i. Microprocessor
ii. Speaker
iii. Touchpad ✔
iv. printer
h. The part of CPU that performs all the processing tasks is
known as ..............
i. ROM
ii. RAM
iii. Control Unit
iv. Arithmetic and Logic Unit ✔
i. The CPU performs execution of an instruction in
i. 3
ii. 4 ✔
iii. 5
iv. 6
j. Which of the following memory is non-volatile memory?
i. Hard disk drive
ii. Optical disk
iii. Pen drive
iv. All of the above ✔
k. The program stored in ROM is called ........
i. flatware
ii. freeware
iii. formware
iv. firmware ✔
l. The cache memory is used in a computer to .........
i. store frequently used files
ii. store data and program which are most frequently used by CPU ✔
iii. store the result of processing temporarily
iv. store data and program that a user uses frequently
m. A light sensitive device that converts images or printed
document into digital form is ............
i. Plotter
ii. OMR
iii. Scanner ✔
iv. Light Pen
n. A USB refers to ...........
i. storage device
ii. processor
iii. a port type ✔
iv. a serial bus standard
2. Short answer questions:
a. Define a computer. Why is computer known as a versatile and diligent
device? Explain.
Ans: A computer is an electronic
programmable device that accepts data and instructions, process them and
produces information as an output.
A computer is called a versatile device because it has the
capability of doing various kinds of tasks. In the same way, a computer can
perform tasks repeatedly without loosing speed and accuracy for a long time.
So, it is called dilligent device.
b. What are the application areas of computers? Explain in
Ans: A computer can perform
different tasks efficiently. So it is used in almost all the fields. Some of
the application area of computers are given below:
- Education
- Office
- Banking
- Industry
- Business
- Entertainment.
- Communication
- Health
- Transportation
- E-Governance
c. Why was the size of the computer reduced in the third
generation of computers?
Ans: The size of the computer was
reduced in the third generation of Computers because in third generation of
Computer Integrated Circuit (IC) was used insted of transistors.
d. Explain the technology used in different generations of
Ans: There are five generations of
Computer and in each generation Computers are more advanced and reliable than
previous generation because different technologies were used in new
generations. All the technology used in different generation of computer are as
i. First generation Computers = Vaccum Tube
ii. Second generation Computers = Transistor
iii. Third generation Computers = Integrated Circuit
iv. Fourth generation Computers = LSI and VLSI
v. Fifth generation Computers = Biochips
e. Differentiate between second and third generation computer.
Ans: The differences between second and
third generation computers are as follows:
2nd Generation Computers |
3rd Generation Computers |
Transistors were used as the main
component. |
Integrated Circuit (IC) were used as
the main component. |
Operating speed was measured in
microsecond. |
Operating speed was measured in
nanosecond. |
It was used between 1959 to 1964 AD. |
It was used between. 1965 to 1974 AD. |
Assembly language was used in
2nd generation of computers. |
High level language was used in 3rd
generation of computers. |
f. What are the different generations of computers? Compare the
third generation fourth generation of computers.
Ans: The different generations of
computers are as follows:
- First
generation Computer
- Second
generation Computer
- Third
generation Computer
- Fourth
generation Computer
- Fifth
generation Computer
The differences between third generation and fourth generation
computers are as follows:
3rd Generation Computers |
4th Generation Computers |
Integrated Circuit (IC) were
used as the main component. |
Microprocessor were used as
the main component. |
Operating speed was measured
in nanosecond. |
Operating speed was measured
in picosecond. |
It was used between. 1965 to
1974 AD. |
It was used between. 1975 and
onwards. |
High level language was used
in 3rd generation of computers. |
Standard High level language
was used in 4th generation of computers. |
g. Differentiate between analog and
digital computers.
Ans: The differences between analog and
digital computers are as follows:
Analog Computer |
Digital Computer |
Analog computer works on the
measurement of continuous physical quantities. |
Digital Computers work on discrete
data (non- continuous). |
An analog computer works with
analog signals. |
A digital computer works with
digital signals. |
They are slower. |
They are faster. |
They not versatile and are
dilligence. |
They are versatile and
diffigence. |
h. Differentiate between Mini and Mainframe computers.
Ans: The differences between Mini and
Mainframe computers are as follows:
Mini Computer |
Mainframe Computer |
It was introduced in 1960. |
It was introduced in 1975. |
It generally consists of two or more
processors. |
It generally consists of multiple
processors. |
It can serve two to thousands
connected users at a time. |
It can serve hundreds to thousands
connected users at a time. |
It has lower memory
capacity. |
It has higher memory capacity. |
i. What is a super computer? Explain its application in a real life situation.
Ans: Super Computer are the most
powerful task specific computers which are used by large organisations for
scientific and engineering applications where large databases are processed.
Some applications of super computer in a real life situation are as follows:
- They are used
for weather forecasting.
- They are used
for studying earthquake.
- They are used
for designing automobiles.
j. What is mobile computing? Explain the importance of mobile
computing communication.
Ans: Mobile Computing is a technology
that allows the transmission of data, voice and video through a computer or any
other wireless enabled devices without having to be connected to a fixed
physical link.
Mobile Computing enables people to connect their laptops,
tablets etc. to the internet and people can communicate with each from anywhere
in the world. It enables people to send emails, audios and videos.
k. What is mobile computing? Explain why it is becoming more
popular these days.
Ans: Mobile computing is a technology
that allows the transmission of data through any wireless enabled devices.
Mobile computing is becoming popular these days because of the following
- It saves our
- It enhance
- It is a source
of entertainment.
- It supports
cloud computing.
l. What is a computer system? Explain shortly.
Ans: Computer system is a functional
unit in which a group of integrated hardware works together with software to
fulfill the purposes of the instructions or program. Basically, it is a system
which takes input, process the data and gives meaningful result as an output.
m. Write any five differences between computer organization and
computer architecture.
Ans: The five differences between
computer organization and computer architecture are as follows:
Computer Organization |
Computer Architecture |
It refers to the component from which
a computer is built. |
It refers to the integrating those
components to achieve a level of functionality and performance. |
It is implementation of its
architecture. |
It is the designed construction that
may lead to improved system performance. |
It is concerned with the way the
hardware component operate and the way they are connected. |
It is concerned with the structure and
behaviour of computer system as seen by user. |
It describe how it does it. |
It describes what the computer does. |
It is like building a house by a
brick. |
It is like building the design and
architecture of the house which takes maximum time. |
n. What is a processing unit? Explain its different components.
Ans: A processing unit is the central
processing unit of a computer which carries out the instruction of a computer
program by performing basic arithmic and logical operations and controlling
different components by sending and receiving control signals.
The different components of processing unit are as follows :
i. ALU
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the part of the CPU where all the processing
tasks are actually performed. It performs its entire task according to the
control signal from the control unit (CU). As required, data that needs to be
processed is transferred from the memory unit to the ALU. During the
processing, data may move many times from the memory unit to the ALU and back
to the memory unit till the processing is completed.
ii. CU
Class 11 Computer Notes
Control Unit (CU) is responsible for directing and controlling all the components of the computer including input devices, output devices, memory devices, and other components of the CPU. It uses control signal. The control unit receives instructions from the program, decodes them, and generates signals to inform the ALU and other components about the operation that has been requested. It sends signals to input and output devices to perform tasks as instructed.
iii. MU
A memory unit is a temporary storage area within the CPU that stores
instructions and data currently being used in the computer. To execute an
instruction, the control unit of the CPU retrieves it from the main memory and
places it into a register. Instructions and data must be in registers
before they can be executed or processed. It supplies data to the ALU and
stores the results of ALU operations.
o. What is a primary memory? List its functions.
Ans: Primary memory is the main memory
of the computer which stores data and instructions to be used by the Computer
The function of Primary memory are as follows:
- It stores all
the data to be processed and the instructions ons required for processing.
- It stores
currently running program.
- It stores the
intermediate result of processing.
p. How is data processed by a microprocessor? Explain with
Ans: A microprocessor accepts binary
data as input, process the data and then provide output based on the
instructions stored in the memory. The data is processed using the microprocessor's
ALU, CU and MU.
The main steps involved in data processing are given below:
i) The control unit sends a virtual address of the data to the
protection test unit.
ii) The protection test unit varies the virtual address of the
data and forwards the virtual address to the segment and paging Unit, where it
is translated into a physical address to be used by the interface unit.
iii) The interface unit locates the address and retrieves the
data back through the protection test unit and stores in the internal registers
of the CPU. These registers act as the working memory of the execution unit.
iv) If data involves a mathematical calculation, it is sent to
the ALU where the calculations are done.
v) Finally, the control unit tells the bus interface unit to
send the processed data back to the RAM for storage.
q. What is a system bus? Write the uses of different types of
Ans: A System bus is a facet of
computer architecture that transmits and shares data throughout the computer
and between devices.
The uses of different types of buses are as follows:
i. Data Bus
It carries the data between the processor and other components. The data bus is
ii. Control Bus
It carries control signals from the processor to other Components. It also carries
the clock's pulses.
iii. Address Bus
It carries memory addresses from the processor to other components such as
primary storage and input/output devices. The address bus is unidirectional.
r. What is computer memory? Write the differences between SRAM
and DRAM.
Ans: A computer memory is a
device or a system used to store information, data and programs that is
required for processing. The differences between SRAM and DRAM are as follows:
It has lower access time and is faster
than DRAM. |
It has higher access time and is
slower than SRAM. |
It uses transistors. |
It uses capacitors and very few
transistors. |
It is an on-chip memory. |
It is an off-chip memory. |
It is used for cache memory. |
It is used for main memory. |
s. What is cache memory? List its advantages and disadvantages.
Ans: A cache memory is a high speed
memory that is built into a CPc which lets you to access data more quickly than
you access it from computer hard drive. The advantages and disadvantages of
cache memory are as follows:
It is faster than main memory.
It consumes the less access time as compared to the main memory.
It has limited capacity.
It is very expensive.
t. What is a secondary memory? Why does a computer need
secondary storage? Explain.
Ans: A secondary memory is the storage
device which stores data, information or programs permanently till they are not
A computer needs secondary storage device inorder to prevent
data and information from being lost when we turn off the computer.
u. What are the differences between HDD and SDD?
Ans: The differences between HDD and
SDD are as follows:
It produces a bit noise when it is
used. |
It makes no noise at all when it is
used. |
It is slower than a SSD. |
It is faster than a HDD. |
It stores data on magnetic disks. |
It stores data on flash memory chips. |
It is less expensive than SDD. |
It is more expensive than HDD. |
v. What is a printer? Write the differences between impact and
non-impact printers.
Ans: A printer is an output device that
displays the data or result of processing on paper. The differences between
impact and non- impact printers are as follows:
Impact Printer |
Non-impact Printer |
It is a printer that physically
strikes paper. |
It is a printer that does not strike
the paper. |
It is slow and noisy. |
It is fast and less noisy. |
The printing quality of impact printer
is low. |
The printing quality of non-impact
printer is high. |
The operating cost is low. |
The operating cost is high. |
w. What is an output? Differentiate between a CRT monitor and a
LCD monitor.
Ans: All the devices that are used sed
to display or present the result of processing in human-understandable form is
known as output device. The differences between a CRT monitor and a LCD monitor
are as follows:
CRT Monitor |
LCD Monitor |
It is less expensive. |
It is more expensive. |
It uses more energy. |
It uses less energy. |
It is heavier and bulkier. |
It is lighter and thinner. |
It emits harmful radiation. |
It does not emits radiations. |
x. Write short notes on:
i. Analog Computer
An analog (also called analogue) computer is a special purpose computer that
can process only analog data (continuous varying physical quantities like
temperature, pressure, speed, depth, height, voltage, etc.). Analog computers
can measure analog data and convert them to numeric value.
ii. Digital Computer
Digital computers are general purpose computers that can perform a variety of
tasks. A digital computer uses the binary digits (bits) 0 and 1 to represent
discrete data (discontinuous data) like letters, numbers, symbols, and figures.
It can process discrete data. It can perform arithmetic, relational, and
logical operations.
iii. Microcomputer
A microcomputer is a digital computer that has a microprocessor as its main
electronic component. It is also called a Personal Computer (PC). It is a small
and powerful single user computer. It supports many higher level languages,
multimedia, graphics, 3D graphics, and games.
iv. Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computers are multi-user computers that have faster processing speed
and more storage capacity than minicomputers. They are capable of handling
large volumes of data. Mainframe computers support parallel processing. The
parallel processing involves combining a large number of processors that break down
an application into many separate parts in order to enhance processing
v. Supercomputer
Super computers are the most powerful computers. They are the fastest and the
most expensive. A supercomputer contains a number of microprocessors that operate
in parallel to make it faster. They are task specific computers and are used by
large organizations for scientific and engineering applications where large
databases are processed.
vi. Versatility
A computer is a versatile machine. It has the capability of doing various kinds
of tasks. Due to the versatile nature of a computer, it is used in almost all
fields. It can be used for calculation, preparation of documents, designing,
researching, and entertaining.
vii. Bar Code Reader
A Bar Code Reader (BCR) is an input device that reads the
Universal Product Code (UPC) of a bar code and transfers it to a computer. A
bar code represents data in a set of vertical parallel lines of varying
thicknesses with gaps. Books and goods in the market are labeled with bar
viii. Scanner
A keyboard enables a user to input only text through the different keys. The
keyboard cannot input pictures, handwritten or printed documents into a
computer. A scanner is an input device that can input any graphical image,
photo, handwritten or printed document into a computer.
3. Long answer questions:
a. Explain the features of the computer.
Ans: A computer has different features
that are mostly not found on other devices. Some of the main features of
Computer are briefly explained below:
i. Automatic
The computer is an automatic machine. Once you have fed instructions to the
computer, you don't need to instruct it again and again. It can do the tasks
automatically as instructed by a program.
ii. Storage
Computers can store a large volume of data, information, and programs on
storage devices like hard disks, optical disks (CD/DVD/blu-raydiscs) and flash
drives as files. These devices store data, information, and programs as long as
desired by the user and can be used whenever required. The storage capacities
(memory size) of such devices are measured in bytes and higher units of
iii. Diligence
Since there are no wearing and tearing parts in a computer, it can perform the
task repeatedly without losing speed and accuracy for a long time. Due to this
characteristic of a computer, it is also called a diligent machine. This
capability of the computer makes it useful in quality control and process
control tasks.
iv. Versatility
A computer is a versatile machine. It has the capability of doing various kinds
of tasks. Due to the versatile nature of a computer, it is used in almost all
fields. It can be used for calculation, preparation of documents, designing,
researching, and entertaining. It can even be used for transferring E-Mail,
E-Fax, messages and files from one computer to another computer in any part of
the world.
v. Reliability
A computer is a reliable and dependable electronic device. The accuracy of a
computer is 100%, so a person can rely on the information produced by a computer.
A computer stores data and information permanently for future uses. Data and
information stored in secondary storage devices do not get deleted till a user
does not delete them.
b. Describe the applications of computers in different sectors.
Ans: Computer are widely used in
different sectors for different purposes. Some of the application of computer
in different sectors are described below:
i. Education
Computers are used in educational institutions like schools, colleges, and
universities. In educational institutions, computers are used as teaching aids,
information resources, and computing and research tools. For the teaching and
learning processes, computers are used by teachers and students in schools and
colleges. Computers are also used in the administrative sector for keeping
ii. Office
Computers are used in offices to keep records of staffs and
prepare different kinds of documents, presentations, spreadsheets, etc.
Computers are also used in offices for sending or receiving electronic mails
(e-mails). Staffs in offices can also use computers for online chatting. It is
used to prepare, store and retrieve data as electronic files.
iii. Banking
Nowadays, almost all banks and finance companies are using
computers. Computerized banking system has made banking process faster and
easier. Computers have been used in banking sector for the following reasons:
- To control the
entire baking system.
- To maintain
customers' accounts. Computers help to calculate payments, interest and
balance amount of customers.
- To supervise
the entire banking activities.
iv. Desktop Publishing
Computer is essential for Desktop Publishing (DTP). Using
Desktop publishing software like Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Publisher, Affinity
Publisher, QuarkXPress, VivaDesigner, Scribus, etc. on a computer brochures,
magazines, newspapers, books, etc. are designed and produced. The DTP software
makes it easy to prepare sketches, images, diagrams and to apply styles and
layout texts and graphics.
c. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of computers.
Ans: The advantages and disadvantages
of computers are given below in the form of points.
Advantages of Computer
Computers have had a very vital impact on society. It has
changed the way of life of people. The use of computer technology has affected
every field of life. People are using computers to perform different tasks
quickly, easily, and in a more organized way. Some advantages of computers are:
- It is always
accurate and reliable than humans.
- It is the
fastest device and saves our time and money.
- It is a
diligence device and can be used regularly for a long time without losing
efficiency and accuracy.
- It can be used
for communication among many users.
- It is a
versatile machine. It can be used in many different areas to do a lot of
different tasks.
Disadvantages of Computer
The use of computers has also created some problems in society, which are as
- It reduces the
needs of people and increases unemployment in society.
- It has been
used for cybercrimes like hacking, creating and spreading viruses,
- It makes
humans fully dependent on it.
- It makes a
person non socialization.
- Repair and
maintenance are required frequently.
d. Classify the computers in different generations and explain
them in shortly.
Ans: Computer are mainly classified
into five generations. They are briefly explained below:
i. First Generation Computers
The computers, which were developed from 1943 AD to 1958 AD with vacuum tubes
or valves as the main electronic components, are the first generation computers.
Due to the vacuum tubes, they were huge, slow, and expensive. They required a
lot of electricity and generated a lot of heat.
ii. Second Generation Computers
All the computers developed from 1959 AD to 1964 AD with transistors as the
main electronic component were the second generation computers. In the second
generation computers, transistors were used in place of vacuum tubes as the
main components in their circuitry. One transistor could do the work of 1000
vacuum tubes.
iii. Third Generation Computers
The invention of the integrated circuit (I.C.) in 1958 AD by
Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce (founder of Intel Company) led to the foundation of
third generation computers. The third generation computers appeared in 1965 AD
with the I.C., which is also called the 'Semiconductor Chip'. An IC is a
miniaturized electronic circuit that contains a number of transistors ona
single wafer of silicon. Due to the use of IC, the third generation computers
were more reliable, powerful, and smaller in size.
iv. Fourth Generation Computers
The fourth generation computers appeared in 1975 AD with microprocessors (i.e.
VLSI). The microprocessor or Very Large Scale Integration is an integrated
circuit that consists of millions of transistors. The use of microprocessors in
computers has made the computers more powerful, efficient, reliable and smaller
in size than the computers of previous generations.
v. Fifth Generation Computer
Fifth generation computers are still in the development stage. The fifth
generation computers will be based on biochips or super conductor chips i.e.
Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI). The fifth generation computers will have
artificial intelligence (AI), so they will understand natural language and be
capable of thinking themselves. They will have parallel processing capability.
e. Classify the digital computers and explain them.
Ans: Digital computers help users to
perform tasks efficiently, conveniently, and in more organized ways. Digital
Computer are classified into 4 types which are explained below:
i. Microcomputer
A microcomputer is a digital computer that has a microprocessor
as its main electronic component. It is also called a Personal Computer (PC).
It is a small and powerful single user computer. It supports many higher level
languages, multimedia, graphics, 3D graphics, and games.
ii. Minicomputer
A minicomputer is a general purpose digital computer that can
have one or more processors. Minicomputers were developed in 1960s. An early
and highly successful minicomputer was PDP-8 which was manufactured by Digital
Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1964 AD. Minicomputers are also known as
midrange computers.
iii. Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computers are multi-user computers that have faster
processing speed and more storage capacity than minicomputers. They are capable
of handling large volumes of data. Mainframe computers support parallel
processing. The parallel processing involves combining a large number of
processors that break down an application into many separate parts in order to enhance
processing speed.
iv. Super Computer
Super computers are the most powerful computers. They are the fastest and the
most expensive. A supercomputer contains a number of microprocessors that
operate in parallel to make it faster. They are task specific computers and are
used by large organizations for scientific and engineering applications where
large databases are processed.
f. What is mobile computing? Describe its applications.
Ans: Mobile computing is a technology
that allows the transmission of data, voice and videothrough a computer or any
other wireless enabled device without having to be connected to a fixed
physical link.
Applications of mobile computing Some applications of mobile
computing are listed below:
- Email
- Messaging
- Educational
- Entertainment
- Web browsing
- E-Commerce
- Emergency
- Global
position system (GPS)
g. What is a microprocessor? Explain the components of
Ans: A microprocessor is an integrated
circuit that contains millions of transistors (i.e. electronic components)
packed onto a single chip. It executes instructions of a program, carries out
arithmetic and logical operations, and controls other components of a computer.
So, it is known as the brain of the computer. The components of computer are as
i. Bus Interface Unit
The Bus Interface Unit (BIU) is the part of the microprocessor that links the
CPU with the othe components of a computer. It handles all the transfer of
control signals, data and addresses on the buses for the execution unit (EU).
It sends out addresses, fetches instructions from memory, reads data from ports
and memory, and writes data to ports and memory.
ii. Execution Unit
The execution unit (EU) receives program instruction codes and data from the
bus interface unit, executes them, and stores the results in the general
registers. It can also store the data in a memory location or send it to an I/O
device by passing the data back to the B Since it has no connection with the
system buses, it receives and outputs all its data throug BIU.
iii. Prefetch Unit
The Prefetch unit decides and instructs the bus interface unit
to retrieve data and instructions from the main memory (RAM). The prefetch unit
queues instructions to assure that the microprocessor is in continuous
iv. Segment and Paging Unit
The segment and paging unit (i.e. memory management unit)
converts internal logic addresses into external memory addresses.
v. Decode unit
The decode unit decodes or translates instructions into a simple
format understood by the ALU and registers. It makes processing more efficient.
h. What is computer memory? Explain primary and secondary
Ans: Computer memory is a device that
stores data, information and programs either temporarily or permanently.
Computer memory are classified into primary and secondary memory.
i. Primary Memory
A primary memory is the internal memory of which is also known as main memory.
It is a Semi-conductor based computer memory that stores fewer amounts of data.
Primary memory is classified into RAM and ROM.
ii. Secondary Memory
A secondary memory is the storage area where information or
programs are stored permanently till they are deleted. It is the external
memory of the computer which is also known as auxiliary memory.
i. What is a computer system? Explain the components of the
computer system.
Ans: A computer system is a functional
unit in which a integrated hardware works together with software to fulfill the
purpose of instruction or program. The different components of computer system
are shortly explained below:
i. Input Unit
An input unit is the device through which data and instruction are fed in the
computer system.
ii. Processing Unit
A processing unit is the central processing unit of computer which process the
data entered into the computer by users.
iii. Output Unit
An output unit is the part of computer system which presents the result of
processing and other information.
iv. Storage
A storage is the component of computer system that stores data, information and
programs either temporarily for permanently.
j. What is computer architecture and computer organization?
Describe the different units of computer system.
Ans: Computer architecture refers to
the conceptual structural design and fundamental operational structure of a
computer System. It defines how the different componends of computer system are
connected to each other.
Computer Organization refers to the component from which a
computer is built. It deals with physical aspect of computer like circuit
design, memory and its types etc.
The different units of computer system are as follows:
- Input Unit
- Central
Processing Unit
- Memory Unit
- Output Unit
k. Define computer architecture? Draw a block diagram of the
computer system along with logical connections. Explain each block in detail.
Ans: Computer architecture refers to
the conceptual structural design and fundamental operational structure of a
computer system. In other words, it is the conceptual design of different
components of a computer system and it defines how the different components of
the computer system are connected to each other.
Input Unit
An input unit is a device through which data and instructions
are fed into the computer system. It is a medium through which a user
communicates with a computer. The input unit converts data and instructions in
human understandable form into computer understandable form and passes them to
the computer system.
Processing Unit
A processing unit is the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer. The CPU
is one of the important components of the computer system. It is also called a
processor or microprocessor. It is an integrated circuit containing millions of
transistors packed onto a single tiny chip.
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the part of the CPU where all the processing
tasks are actually performed. It performs its entire task according to the
control signal from the control unit (CU). As required, data that needs to be
processed is transferred from the memory unit to the ALU.
Control Unit (CU)
Control Unit (CU) is responsible for directing and controlling all the
components of the computer including input devices, output devices, memory
devices, and other components of the CPU. It uses control signal.
A register is a temporary storage area within the CPU that stores instructions
and data currently being used in the computer. To execute an instruction, the
control unit of the CPU retrieves it from the main memory and places it into a
Primary Memory
A computer memory is just like a human brain. It is the part of the computer
that stores data, information, instructions, or programs either temporarily or
Secondary Memory
A secondary memory or secondary storage device is the storage area where data,
information or programs are stored permanently till they are not deleted. It is
the external memory of a computer and is also known as auxiliary memory.
Output Units
All the units that are used to display or present the result of processing and
other information to the user in a human-understandable form are known as
output units. A monitor and a printer are the most commonly used output
devices. Some other output devices are speakers, projectors, and plotters.
l. Explain the role of memory in a computer and differentiate
between main memory and auxiliary storage.
Ans: Memory is one of the main
requirement of computer system. It is needed for a computer to store, data and
The difference between primary memory and auxiliary memory are
as follows:
Main Memory |
Auxiliary Memory |
It is the internal memory of
computer. |
It is the external memory of
computer. |
CPU can directly access data from main
memory. |
CPU can't excess data of auxiliary
memory directly. |
They are more expensive than auxiliary
memory. |
They are less expensive than main
memory. |
It stores data temporarily. |
It stores data permanently. |
4. Write the full forms of
the following:
a. MIPS = Millions Instructions Per Second
b. GIGO = Garbage In Garbage Out
c. ATM = Automated Teller Machine
d. SMS = Short Message Service
e. VOIP = Voice Over Internet Protocol
f. GPS = Global Positioning System
g. SSI = Small Scale Integration
h. MSI = Medium Scale Integration
i. VLSI = Very Large Scale Integration
j. ULSI = Ultra Large Scale Integration
k. BIT = Binary Digits
l. Al = Artificial Intelligence
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