Class 10 Science Pressure

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Group A

Pressure: Force applied perpendicular per unit area is called pressure. Its SI unit is N/m2 or Pascal.

1 Pascal: When 1 N force is applied perpendicular to 1m2 area, then the pressure is said to be 1 Pascal.

Liquid pressure: Force exerted by liquid per unit area of the container is called liquid pressure.

Factors on which liquid pressure depends:

a)     The depth of the liquid column from the surface of liquid i.e. P α h

b)    The density of the liquid i.e. P α d

c)     Acceleration due to gravity i.e. P α g

Pascal's law of liquid pressure:pressure change at any point in a confined liquid is transmitted throughout the liquid equally and perpendicularly in all direction.

Application of Pascal's law:

Hydraulic press:hydraulic press is a machine press  using a hydraulic cylinder to generate a compressive force. It is used for forgingclinching, moulding, blanking, punching, deep drawing , and metal forming operations.

Hydraulic brake: It is a braking mechanism based on Pascal law to control the speed of a machine. It is widely used in vehicles.

Hydraulic lift: A hydraulic lift is a type of machine that uses a hydraulic apparatus to lift or move objects using the force created when pressure is exerted on liquid in a piston.

Upthrust: The resultant upward force applied by a fluid to the object partially or completely immersed in the fluid is called upthrust.

Archimedes' principle: When an object is partially or wholly immersed in a fluid, it experiences an upthrust equal to the weight of the liquid displaced.

Law of floatation: A floating object displaces liquid equal to its own weight.

Density: Mass per unit volume of a substance is called density. Its SI unit is kg/m3.

Relative density: The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of pure water at 00C.

Hydraulic press

 Hydraulic lift

Hydraulic brake

Hydrometer: A device based on law of floatation used to measure the density of liquids.

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Lactometer: A device used to measure the density or purity of milk.

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Atmospheric pressure: The pressure exerted by the atmospheric air per unit area of the earth.

1 Atmospheric pressure = 760 mmHg = 1.013×105 Pa

Barometer: It is an instrument used to measure the atmospheric pressure at any place.

Instruments based on atmospheric pressure:

a)     Syringe: It is a medical instrument used to inject liquid medicine inside the body of patient through blood vessels.

b)    Air pump: It is a device used to inflate tube of vehicles, balls, balloons, etc.

c)     Water pump: It is a pump used to lift underground water.

Some important formulae:

Pressure(P) = F/A, where F = Force and A= Area


where, h=depth of liquid column, d=density of liquid and g= acceleration due to gravity.


Where, F1 and F2 are the forces on piston 1 and piston 2 while A1 and A2 are the cross-sectional area of piston 1 and 2 respectively.


Where, U= upthrust, d=density of liquid, A= area of object, h2 = depth of liquid column upto the bottom of object while h1 = depth of liquid column upto the top of the object. 

Questions and Answers

Group A [1 mark Each]

1. State law of floatation.

Law of floatation states that an object floats on liquid medium only when it displaces the liquid equal to its weight.

2. What is upthrust or buoyancy?

When a body is partially or wholly immersed in liquid, the liquid exerts an upward force to the body which is called upthrust.

3. State Archimedes principle.

Archimedes' Principle states that when a body is partially or wholly immersed in liquid, the upthrust is equal to weight of displaced liquid.

4. Write two condition when a substance floats on liquid.

Two condition when a substance floats on a liquid are:

i)                    When the density of substance is lesser than the density of liquid,

ii)                  when the mass of the object is equal to the mass of liquid displaced by it.

5. Define pressure, write its formula and SI unit.

Ans: The perpendicular force per unit area is pressure. Its formula is P =

and SI unit is pascal.

6. Name two devices based on Pascal's law of liquid pressure.

Two devices based on Pascal's law of liquid pressure are:

i) Hydraulic brake and ii) Hydraulic lift

7. What is lactometer?

Lactometer is a specially designed hydrometer used to measure the density of milk.

8. Mention any two factors which effect the upthrust.

Two factors that effect the upthrust are: (i) density of liquid and (ii) acceleration due to gravity.

9. State pascal's law.

It states that the liquid kept in a container transmits equal pressure perpendicular to all direction.

10. Write down the formula to find the relative density of an object.

The formula to find the relative density of an object is:

 Relative Density = mass of particular volume of a substance/Mass of same volume of water at 40C

or, Relative density =Density of a substance/Density of water at 40C

11. What is one Pascal pressure.

When one Newton force is applied perpendicularly in area 1m2 then pressure is called one Pascal pressure.

12. Name a device based on law of floatation. Also mention its one use.

Hydrometer is the device based on the law of floatation. It is used to measure the density of liquid.

13. On which principle does hydraulic brake based? State the principle also.

A hydraulic brake is based on the Pascal's principle of liquid pressure. It states that the liquid kept in a container transmits equal pressure perpendicular to all direction.

14. By which two properties of liquid it is used in hydraulic brake?

Two properties of liquid by which it is used in hydraulic brake are:

i)                    Liquid cannot be compressed

ii)                  liquid transmit pressure equally in all direction.

15. What is hydrometer?

Ans: Hydrometer is a device which is used to measure the density of liquids.

16. What is the relationship between uptrhrust and the density of liquid?

The upthrust exerted by a liquid is directly proportional to the density of liquid.

Upthrust α density of liquid



17. What is hydraulic press?

Hydraulic press is a simple machine based on Pascal's law of liquid pressure which converts small force into large force and vice versa.

18. Write the formula based on the Pascal's law.

The formula based on the Pascal's law is: P1 = P2

or, F1/A1=F2/A2

Where P1 and P2 are pressure on small piston and large piston respectively of hydraulic machine. F1 and F2 are the force applied on small and large piston and A1 and A2 are the cross-sectional area of small and large piston respectively.

19. At what condition a body floats on liquid?

A body floats on liquid when it displaces liquid equal to its own weight.

20. What number will be shown by hydrometer if sunk in pure water?

Hydrometer will show 1 number if it sunk in pure water.

21. Which principle does hydraulic pressure obey? Write the principle.

Hydraulic pressure obey Pascal's law of liquid pressure. It states that the liquid kept in a container transmits equal pressure perpendicular to all direction.

22. Define one torr pressure.

Ans: The unit of atmospheric pressure equivalent to 1mm of Hg or 103.22 Pa. is one torr pressure.

23. Define atmospheric pressure.

Ans: The pressure exerted by atmospheric is called atmospheric pressure.

24. Define normal atmospheric pressure, what is its value?

Ans: The pressure exerted by atmosphere in one square meter area at sea level is called normal atmospheric pressure. Its value is equal to 1.01 x 105 Pa or 760mm of Hg.

25. What do you mean by 760mm of Hg?

Ans: It means that the height of mercury column in barometer at sea level is 760mm while measuring atmospheric pressure.

26.  What is the relation between upthrust and density of liquid.

Ans: The upthrust is directly proportional to the density of liquid.

26. Define density and relative density.

Ans: The mass per unit volume is called density. The ration of density of a body to the density of water at 4°C is called relative density.

Group B

27. Write a condition in which the object having more density than liquid floats on liquid.

When the object can displace liquid equal to its own weight then the object having more density than liquid floats on liquid.

28. Why the ship can carry more load on the salty water than fresh water?

Ans: In salty water the density is more so that upthrust becomes more as we know that upthrust is directly proportional to the density of liquid as a result the ship can carry more load on salty water.

29. It is easier to swim in sea water than in fresh water. Why?

The sea water has more density than the pure water. Due to this, when a man swims, the upthrust acting on him due to sea water is greater than the upthrust acting on him by fresh water. Because of this reason, it is easier to swim in sea water than in fresh water.

30. Why it is easier to pull a bucket of water  from well until it is inside the water but difficult out of water?

When a bucket of water is in water, its weight is reduced due to the action of upthrust of water. But, when it is pulled out of water, its weight is increased due to the absence of upthrust of water and becomes heavy. Hence, it is easire to pull a bucket of water from well until it is inside the water but difficult when it is out of water due to the upthrust of water.

31. What difference is observed if an egg is immersed in pure water and in concentrated solution of salt? Write with reason.

An egg sinks in pure water but floats on the concentrated salt solution. This is because the density of salty water is more than the fresh water, as we know that the upthrust is directly proportional to the density. so being more upthrust due to salty water, an egg floats on it but sinks in fresh water.

32. It is easier to lift a heavy stone inside water than air, why?

When a stone is inside water, its weight is reduced due to the upthrust exerted by water. But, when it is in air, its weight is increased due to the absence of upthrust of water and becomes heavy. Hence, it is easier to lift a stone in water but difficult to lift in air.

33. An iron nail sinks in water but floats on mercury, why?

An iron nail sinks in water because the density of iron nail is more than water but it floats on mercury because the density of iron is lesser than mercury.

34. What is the difference between an empty sheep and loading ship moving in sea water?

A loaded ship has larger mass and it displaces more water to float on water but an empty ship has less mass and it displaces less amount of water. Thus the hull of an empty ship sinks less than the hull of a loaded ship.

35. Studs are made on the sole of football player's boot, why?

The area of the studs of the football player's boot is less, we have pressure is inversely proportional to the area. Hence, more pressure is created on the ground by the studs. Due to high pressure the shoes properly get stuck with the ground and does not allow the player to slip during the game.

36. Hydraulic press is called an instrument for multiplication of force. Why?

Hydraulic press is called an instrument for multiplication of force because the force applied on smaller piston multiplies and a large force is exerted on large piston. According to pascal's law;

Pressure on large piston (P1) = Pressure on small pistion (P2)

or, Force on large piston (F1)/Area of large piston (A1) = Force on small piston (F2) /Area of small piston(A2)

From the expression, we can say that the force exerted on large piston is given by the product of pressure on small piston and area of large piston. Hence due to this amplification, the applied force is multiplied in the hydraulic press.

37. Pressure applied on a liquid enclosed in a vessel will be transmitted equally in all direction perpendicular to the surface. Which law is explained by this statement? Name the instrument which works on the basis of this law?

Pascal's law of liquid pressure is explained by this statement. The instrument which works on this principle is hydraulic press.

38. Write the difference in floatation of lactometer in pure milk and sugar dissolved milk.

Sugar dissolved salt has more density than that of pure milk. Sugar dissolved milk exerts more upthrust of lactometer than pure milk. So, the stem remains more above the milk in sugar dissolved milk than pure milk.

39. What is the difference between the immersion of hydrometer in pure water and salty water?

Hydrometer immerse more in pure water than in salty water because the density of salty water is more than that of pure water, which implies upthrust due to salty water is greater than pure water and hydrometer immerse more in pure water than salty water.

40. "The weight of displaced liquid is equal to the weight of floating objects." Which law does this statement belong to?

This statement belongs to law of floatation.

41. What difference will you get from the flying of air filled balloon and the hydrogen filled balloon?

An air filled balloon is heavier than that of hydrogen filled balloon since the density of air is heavier than hydrogen. Hence, upthrust due to air on the hydrogen filled balloon is more thus, it flies to the greater height than that of air filled balloon.

42. What is the effect of density of a liquid on floatation of an object?

Floatation of an object increases with the increase in density of liquid.

43. Why does a stone sink in water?

A stone sinks in water because its density is lesser than the density of water and the upthrust exerted by water is lesser than the weight of stone.


44. Write the relation between upthrust and volume of displaced liquid. Lifting a stone in water is felt to be comparatively lighter, why?

Upthrust is directly proportional to the volume of liquid displaced. Repeated.

45. The ship made by iron floats in water, but an iron nail sinks, why?

The shape and size of ship made by iron is so made that if can displace the liquid equal to its weight. So a ship can float in water, but iron nail can't displace the liquid equal to its weight so it sinks.

46. In given figure, which pressure is greater, AB or CD, why?

Pressure on Face CD is greater than AB because the pressure is directly proportional to the depth and the depth is more on face CD.

47. The weight of any object decreases inside water. Give reason. How much will an object lose in water?

Upthrust force exerted by water reduces the downward force on the object. When an object sinks in water the weight of object is lost and becomes light. So weight of an object decreases inside water. An object lose weight equal to the weight of water displaced by it.

48. A ship coming from sea enters the river, will its hull sink more or less in river water? Give reason.

A ship coming from sea enters the river, its hull will sink more in river water. This is because the density of river water is lesser than the density of sea water and it exerts less upthrust than sea water. As a result, hull of ship will sink more in river water.

49. When a ball is pressed in water, why does it try to come up?

When the ball is pressed in water, it tries to come up because it experiences an upthrust more than its weight.

50. What is the relation of upthrust of a liquid and its density?

Upthrust is directly proportional to the density of liquid. It means Upthrust increases with the increase in density of liquid and vice versa.

51. What will be the effect in the weight of displaced water if load is added into the ship float in the ocean? Write with reason.

The weight of water displaced increases and the hull will sink more when load is added into the ship float in the ocean. This is because floating object displaces liquid equal to their own weight. Here, when load is added into the ship weight of ship increases and in order to float on water, it has to displace more water.

52.  If an object is immersed in water, at what condition can it float in water, and at what condition does it sink in water?

If an object is immersed in water, it floats on water when its density is lesser than the density of water or upthrust of water is more than the weight of the object. It will sink in water, when its density is more than  the density of water or if the upthrust exerted by water is lesser than the weight of the object.

53. Constant weight hydrometer contains heavy bulb and narrow stem, why?

The weight of hydrometer contains heavy bulb to float in the liquid vertically and the stem is made narrow for greater sensitivity.

54. The ice made of water floats on water, why?

The density of ice is 0.9g/cm3 while the density of water is 1g/cm3. Thus the density of ice is lesser than the density of water. So, it floats on water.

55. Air is filled in the tyres of bicycle, motorcycle, car, bus, etc. why ? Give reason.

Ans: The air inside the tyres lifts up the vehicles on the ground so that pressure of vehicles to the ground decreases so air is filled in the tyres of vehicles.

56. Mention any three applications of Pascal's law.

Ans: Any three applications of Pascal's law are given below:

(i) Hydraulic press

(ii) Hydraulic lift

(iii) Hydraulic brake.

57. Define hydraulic press and hydraulic lift.

Ans: The device which is used to press the metal, grains etc and works on the basis of Pascal's law is called hydraulic press.

Hydraulic lift : The device which is used to lift the heavy load with small effort and works an the basis of Pascal's law is called hydraulic lift.

58. Write the use of hydraulic press and hydraulic lift.

Ans: The hydraulic press is used to obtain the oil from seeds and also uses to press metal in order to convert metallic sheath.

Hydraulic lift is used to lift the heavy load with small effort by cranes.

59. What are the functions of hydrometer?

Ans: Followings are the functions of hydrometer.

(i) It measures the density of substance.

(ii) It measures the relative density of substances.

60. Food gets cooked faster in pressure cooker, why?

Ans: The water boils when the vapour pressure becomes equal to atmospheric pressure, inside the pressure cooker the pressure becomes more so that water boils at high temperature as a result pressure cooker cooks food faster.

61. What should be the weight of displaced liquid to float an object of 375 kg.

Ans: According to law of floatation the weight of displaced liquid should be 375 kg to float on that liquid.

62. Above the certain height in the sky, the aeroplane can't fly, why?

 Ans: The aeroplane flies due to the difference of air pressure created by its fans, above the certain height in the sky there is absence of air, so the aeroplane can't fly above the certain height.

63. In given figure the tanks A and B both contain equal amount of water but the height of water in tank A is more than tank B, on which bottom the water exerts more pressure, why?

Ans: The bottom of tank A experiences more liquid pressure. The liquid pressure is directly proportional to the height or depth of liquid column when acceleration due to gravity and density remain constant and the depth of liquid is more in tank A. So, the bottom of tank A experiences more pressure.

64. In given figure, tank A and tank B contain salty water and fresh water respectively. Both tanks contain the liquid upto equal height. Which bottom  experiences more liquid pressure out of A and B? Why?

Ans: The bottom of tank A experiences more liquid pressure. The liquid pressure is directly proportional to the density of liquid when depth or height of liquid column and acceleration due to gravity remain constant. In liquid of tank A the density is more than the liquid of tank B. So. bottom of tank A experiences more liquid pressure.

65. Two tanks A and B contain equal amount of water with equal height, but tank A is placed at equator while tank B is placed at pole, which bottom experiences more liquid pressure, why?

Ans: The bottom of tank B experiences more liquid pressure because the liquid pressure is directly proportional to the acceleration due to gravity when height and density remain constant, and we know that the value of acceleration due to gravity is more at poles than equator.

66. Two tanks A and B contain equal amount of oil with equal height but the temperature of tank A is 90°C and the temperature of tank B is 10°C, which bottom experiences more liquid pressure, why?

bottom of tank B experiences more liquid pressure. The liquid pressure is directly proportional to the density when height of liquid column and acceleration due to gravity remain constant and the oil of tank B has more density due to its less temperature than liquid of tank A. So, the bottom of tank B experiences more liquid pressure.

67. It is easier to cut with sharp knife than blunt one, why?

Ans: The area of sharp knife is less than area of blunt one, we have pressure is inversely proportional to the area i.e. Pα , hence the sharp knife exerts more pressure, as a result it becomes easier to cut with sharp knife than blunt one.

68. Back wheels of the tractors are made wider, why?

Ans: Tractors are used to plough in field, as the wider wheels have more area, it exerts less pressure because pressure is inversely proportional to the area i.e. Pα , so to avoid the probability of descending in soil, the back wheels of the tractors are made wider.

69. Dams are made wider at the bottom, why? Give reason.

Ans: Dams are made to hold the water, at bottom the liquid pressure is more as we know that liquid pressure is directly proportion to the depth of liquid i.e. Pαh when density and acceleration due to gravity remain constant, to hold the more pressure at depth, the bottoms are made wider.

70. It takes less time to fill the bucket from the tap of lower floor than the tap of upper floor, why ? Give reason.

Ans: At tap of lower floor the depth or height of liquid column is more than the tap of upper floor. As we know that liquid pressure is directly proportional to the depth of liquid i.e. P α h when density and acceleration due to gravity remain constant, so water comes with more pressure from the tap of lower floor, as a result it takes less time to fill a bucket from the tap of lower floor than the tap of upper floor.

71. Camel can walk on desert but horse can't, why? give reason.

Ans: The hoof of camel is boarder than hoof of horse, so camel exerts less pressure while walking on desert, as we know that pressure is inversely proportional to the area, i.e. Pα 1/A , So the camel can walk easily on the desert but horse can't.

72. The blood pressure of our body is more at feet than at brain, why? Give reason.

Ans: As we know that liquid pressure is directly proportional to depth or height liquid column. When acceleration due to gravity, and density remain constant at feet, the height of liquid column or height is more so blood pressure at feet is more than blood pressure at brain.

73. In tank given in figure, which bottom experiences more liquid pressure out of A and B.   

Ans: Both bottoms experience equal liquid pressure as the liquid pressure is directly proportional to the depth or height of liquid when density and acceleration due to gravity remain constant and both  B bottoms experience the pressure of liquid of same height.

74. Why the dead body of human floats in water?

Ans: Where person gets drawned in water, he/she sinks as the cavity present inside the body is filled with water. After some time it starts to decompose by the decomposer and produces the gases like CH4, N2 etc, These gases decreases the density of the dead body. Hence the dead body floats in water.

75. Why does an egg float in salty water?

Ans: The density of salty water is more than the fresh water, as we know that the upthrust is directly proportional to the density. so the egg floats in salty water.

76. From Archimedes principle give reason why a balloon filled with hydrogen gas flies up?

Ans: The balloon filled with hydrogen gas can easily displace the air more than its weight. The upthrust becomes more than the weight of balloon. So it flies up.


Students will get more questions and answers very soon. You can post your views in the comment box. 

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