Multiple Choice Questions:
Circle the correct answer to the following questions.
1. Which of the following is not the importance of reproduction?
a) Continuation of generation
b) balance between birth rate and death rate.
c) Basis of evolution of new organism.
d) Imbalance in biodiversity.
2. In which organism natural vegetative propagation occurred through the underground stem?
a) rose b) potato c) sugarcane d) begonia
3. What is called for the root system of plants selected in grafting?
a) stock b) scion c) graft d) gootee
4. What does the ovary transform into after fertilization?
a) seed b) nucleus c) fruit d) zygote
5. In which part does internal fertilization take place in animals?
a ) Ovary b) Uterus c) Ovum d) corm
6. Which type of reproduction is shown in the figure?
a) tuber b) rhizome c) bulbils d) fallopian tube
7. Where does fertilization take place in flowering plants?
a) in stigma b) in ovary c) in ovule d) in style
8. What is called the pollination that is carried out by the flies?
a) self pollination b) cross pollination
c ) pollen germination d) Entomophily
9. Which part is indicated by B in the figure alongside.
a) pollen grain b) pollen tube
c) style d) germination of pollen grains
10. Which of the statement is true regarding the fertilization?
i) Generally, the ovary changes into fruit and the ovule changes into seed after double fertilization.
ii) In some plants the ovarian thinness into fruit without fertilization.
iii) First fertilization occur in stigma and second in the ovary.
iv) Fertilization occur at first and then gametogenesis happens to make a zygote.
a) i and iii b) i and ii c) i and iv d) all statements
11. Which method does thatch-grass (Khar) adopt to disperse their seed?
a) through air b) through water c) by bursting pod d) by birds
12. What is the main function of seed?
a) to determine fruit b) to produce a new plant
c) to continue their race d) to preserve nutrients
13. Which of the following event occurs after germination?
a) Plumule and radical become active and make cotyledon.
b ) Endosperm is turned into root system.
c) Stem is grown from the seed coat.
d) Cotyledons turn into embryonic leaves.
14. Which of the given figure indicates seedling?
a) A b) B c) C d) D
15. Why are seed not stood in moist or wet places while storing?
a) to prevent the decaying of seeds.
b) to store seeds for long time.
c) to prevent seeds from fungal attack.
d) to prevent germination.
Very short answer questions. [1 mark each]
What is regeneration?
Regeneration is a method of asexual reproduction In which organism regains its lost parts or new organism is produced from the broken part of the parent organism.
Define hermaphrodite.
Organism which has both the male and female reporting system within the same individual is called hermaphrodite.
What is asexual reproduction?
The type of reproduction with take place without diffusion of male and female gametes is called asexual reproduction.
Write the name of reproduction process that occurs in tapeworm.
The reproduction process that occur in tapeworm is regeneration.
From where does the germinating seed gets food?
The germinating seed gets food either from endosperms or cotyledons.
Define embryo.
An immature plant inside the seed is called embryo.
What is dispersal of seed?
The method of scattering or distribution of seed from the parent plant is called dispersal of seed.
What is external fertilization?
The fusion of male and female gametes outside the female body is called external fertilization.
Give names of two animals in which internal fertilization take place.
Two animals in which internal fertilizer take place are:
a) birds b) buffalo
What is layering?
Layering is an artificial method of reproduction in which roots are developed on the system while the extreme is still attached to the parent plant.
Define tissue culture.
Tissue culture is a modern technique of producing new plants from isolated plant cell or plant tissues.
What is mean by ornithophily?
Ornithophily is the type of pollination carried out by the birds.
Short Answer type question [2 marks each]
What is reproduction? In how many ways does it occur?
The biological process of producing offspring by living organism of their own kind is called reproduction. It occurs by two ways: sexual and asexual reproduction.
Show any two differences between sexual and asexual reproduction.
Two differences between sexual and asexual reproduction are:
Sexual reproduction |
Asexual reproduction |
1. It takes place by the fusion of male and female gametes. |
1. It takes place without the fusion of male and female gametes. |
2. It needs both male and female partners. |
2. It needs any of the male or female organism. |
Binary fission |
Multiple fission |
1. In this method, a single cell divides into two daughter cell. |
1. In this method, a single cell divides into more than two daughter cells. |
2. It occurs during the favourable environmental condition. |
2. It occurs during unfavourable environmental condition. |
1. It is the male reproductive whorl of a flower. |
1. It is the female reproductive whorl of a flower. |
2. It produces pollen grains. |
2. It produces ovule. |
Self pollination |
Cross pollination |
1. The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of the flower of same plant is self pollination. |
1. The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther of a flower to the stigma of a flower of other plant is cross pollination. |
2. It is common in bisexual flower. |
2. It is common in unisexual as well as bisexual flower. |

Point out two differences between binary fission and multiple fission.
Two differences between binary fission and multiple fission are:
What is budding? Write one example each of plant and animal reproducing by this method.
Budding is an asexual method of reproduction in which new offspring is produced by means of a small outgrowth or bud. One example each of plant and animal reproducing by this method are yeast and hydra respectively.
Write the type of reproduction found in the following organisms:
a) Tapeworm b) Amoeba c) Rose d) Mushroom
a) Tapeworm reproduces by regeneration
b) Amoeba reproduces by fission
c) Rose reproduces by stem cutting.
d) Mushroom reproduces by sporulation.
Write down two differences between androecium and gynoecium.
Two differences between androecium and gynoecium are:
Show any two differences between self pollination and cross pollination.
Two differences between self pollination and cross pollination are:
Draw the figure of a complete flower and label its main parts.
Draw a figure of a dicotyledon seed showing its different parts.
Seed inside the closed vessel does not give new seedling, why?
Seed needs proper amount of air, water and temperature. A seed inside the closed vessel does not get air, water and optimum temperature. So, a seed inside a closed vessel does not germinate.
What is external and internal fertilization? Write with example.
If the fusion of male and female gametes takes place outside the body of female then it is called external fertilization. Example fertilization in fish and frog.
If the fusion of male and female gametes takes place inside the body of female, then it is called internal fertilization. Example fertilization in birds and mammals.
Why are pollination and fertilization different from each other? clarify in two points.
Pollination and fertilization are differ with each other. Two point to clarify it are:
a) Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma where as fertilization is the fusion of male and female gametes.
b) In pollination there is no formation of new cell while in fertilization new cell zygote is formed.
Distinguish between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant on the basis of root and leaf in few points.
Two differences between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant on the basis of root and leaf are given below.
Monocotyledonous plant
Dicotyledonous plant
1. It has fibrous root system.
1. It has tap root system.
2. It’s leaf is narrow and has parallel venation.
2. It’s leaf is wide and has reticulate venation.
Write any two advantages of vegetative propagation.
Advantages of vegetative propagation are:
i) It produces flowers and fruits earlier than that from the seed.
ii) Large number progeny can be obtained in a short period of time.
Write any two differences between fission and budding.
Differences between binary fission and budding are as follows:
Binary fission
1. It is an asexual reproduction in which a cell divides into two daughter cells.
1. It is a reproduction in which a cell or tissue called bud is developed from the parent body.
2. It occurs only in few unicellular organism.
2. It occur both in few unicellular and multicellular.
Write any two differences between bulbil and rhizome.
Two differences between bulbil and rhizome are:
1. Bulbil grows vertically to the ground level.
Rhizome grows horizontally to the ground level.
2. Bulbil is round or oval shaped.
Rhizome is flat or irregular shape
3. Example: onion, garlic, tulip, lily
Example: ginger, turmeric, iris, etc.
Two differences between natural and artificial vegetative propagation are:
Natural Vegetative Propagation
Artificial Vegetative Propagation
It occurs naturally without the involvement of human.
It occur by the involvement of human beings.
It occurs through bulbil, tuber, leaf, roots, etc.
It occurs through stem cutting, grafting, budding, tissue culture, etc.
18. Write any two differences between layering and grafting.
Two differences between layering and grafting are:
1. Layering is done to the plants which have soft branches growing at the lower part of stem.
Grafting is done to the which are generally tall and branches grow at height.
2. In layering, parent plant and layer are not detached.
In grafting, part of the parent called scion is detached from the parent plant and attached with stock.
19. Asexual reproduction has no concept of male and female, why?
Asexual reproduction takes place without the fusion of male and female gamete. Therefore, any of the parent is capable to reproduce offspring. Therefore, asexual reproduction has no concept of male and female.
20. The reproduction from the tuber of a potato is called vegetative propagation, why?
Reproduction from the tuber of a potato is called vegetative propagation because tuber is a vegetative part and new offspring of potato can be obtained from tuber.
21. Farmers will be benefited from grafted plants. Why?
Grafted plants produce flowers and fruits earlier than the plants grown from seeds. So, farmers can obtain the fruits in a short period of time. So farmers will be benefited from the grafted plants.
22. Write any two differences between pollination and fertilization.
The transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma is called pollination.
The fusion of male and female gamete is called fertilization.
It occurs before fertilization.
It occurs after pollination.
- 23. Write any
two differences between gametes and zygote.
Gamete is either male or female sex cell.
Zygote is the cell formed by the fusion of male and female sex cell.
It is haploid.
It is diploid.
Pollen grains
It is the male reproductive whorl of a flower.
It is the male sex cell of a plant.
Anther produces pollen grains.
Pollen grains are found inside anther.
Internal fertilization
External fertilization
Fusion of male and female gamete inside the body of female is internal fertilization.
Fusion of male and female gamete outside the body of female is external fertilization.
It is common in higher organisms.
It is common in lower organisms.
1. The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of the flower of same plant is autogamy or self pollination.
1. The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther of a flower to the stigma of a flower of other plant is geitogamy or cross pollination.
2. It is common in bisexual flower.
2. It is common in unisexual as well as bisexual flower.
Pollinating agents have great role in cross pollination because pollinating agents like air, insects, birds, etc. carry pollen grains from anther of one flower to the stigma of other flower of other plant causing cross-pollination.
28. Both male and female organisms are required for sexual reproduction. Why?
Male sex cell called sperm is produced by male and female sex cell ova is produced by female organism. The fusion of male and female sex cells produces offspring. Therefore, both male and female organisms are required for sexual reproduction.
29. External fertilization takes place either in water or on land. Why?
External fertilization takes place in water because water provides medium for the fusion of male and female gametes
30. Write any two differences between dispersal of seeds and germination of seeds.
Dispersal of seed
Germination of seed
The scattering of seeds is dispersal of seed.
Sprouting of seed to develop into a new plant is germination of seed.
It depends on air, water, birds, insects, human, etc.
It depends on air, soil, water and temperature.
Plumule give rise to shoot system.
Radicle give rise to root system.
Plumule grows against the soil.
Radicle grows towards the soil.
If a seed is soaked in water, it absorbs water through micropyle and enzymes are activated which initiate biochemical reaction. Thus, seed starts germinating if soaked in water.Seeds of red silk cotton are dispersed over long distance. Why?
Seeds of red silk cotton have hairy structure which make them light. Due to light weight they are carried to distant places by wind. So, seeds of red silk cotton are dispersed over long distance.
Seeds continue the race of generation. Why?
Each seed contains an embryo inside it. When a seed germinates this embryo grows into a new plant. Thus, the generation of any plant species is preserved in seeds. So, seeds continue the race of generation.
Give an example of the organism which reproduces by the following process.
a) fission b) budding c) fragmentation d) vegetative propagation
The examples of the organism reproduces by:
a) fission: Amoeba, plasmodium
b) budding: yeast, hydra
c) fragmentation: spirogyra, lichens
What is reproduction? Give an example.
The process of producing offspring of their own kinds by organisms either by sexual or asexual method is called reproduction. For example: a cow give birth to calf, a dog to puppy, a rose plant can be grown by stem cutting, etc.
Make a flowchart of the methods of vegetative propagation.
Flowchart of the method of vegetative propagation is:
What kind of reproductive unit is bulbil? Give an example.
Bulbil is a vegetative propagation reproductive unit. They are small bulb like structure found in a particular axial of a leaf. Bulbils are found in agave, pineapple, oxalis, etc.
What is pollination? Give an example.
The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of flowers by air, water, insects, birds or animals is called pollination.
Make a graphical chart showing sexual reproduction in animals.
What effect would occur if there is no sexual reproduction in plants and animals? Clarify with a suitable example.- If there is no sexual reproduction in plant and animals, then there will be a great loss of biodiversity, evolution of species will be decline, certain species of plants and animals will be extinct and higher animals including human being. Finally, unicellular and lower organisms will rule the whole globe.
Internal fertilization is safer than external fertilization. How?
Internal fertilization occurs inside the female body due to which the chances of fusion of male and female gamete is higher. In addition, there is less chance of destruction of fertilized embryo from predators and harsh environment. In contrast, external fertilization is effected by harsh environmental condition and predators.- What is seed? Give examples.
Seed is a matured ovule which contains an undeveloped embryo with reserve food enclosed in a seed coat.
What is the role of air in the germination of seeds? Explain.Air contains oxygen. When seed absorbs oxygen, respiration starts in the seed and energy produced as a result of respiration increases metabolic activities in the embryo. As a result the seed starts germinate.
Artificial vegetative propagation is more important and beneficiary than natural vegetative propagation. Justify this statement including two logics.Artificial vegetative propagation is more important and beneficiary than natural vegetative propagation because of the following points.
a) Artificial vegetative propagation produces fruits and flower earlier than that of the plants grown through natural vegetative propagation.
b) It improves the generation of plants.
Long Answer type questions
1) Demonstrate that certain amount of air, water and temperature is required for the germination of seed.
The following experiment demonstrates that certain amount of water, air and temperature is required for the germination of seed.
Objective: To show that certain amount of water, air and temperature is required for germination.
Requirements: Three bean seeds, glass slide, thread, beaker, water
a) Three bean seed at different places on a glass slide are tied with the help of a thread.
b) The slide is kept in a beaker in such a way that one seed is completely immersed in water, the middle one is half immersed in water and upper one is in air.
c) The experiment is left for 3 to 4 days.
Observation: After 3 to 4 days, we can observe that germination has occurred in the middle seed only.
Result: The middle seed has germinated because it got air, water and favourable temperature.
Conclusion: The experiment shows that air, water and temperature are required for germination of seed.
2) Explain in brief about the sexual reproduction in animals.
Sexual reproduction in animals takes place by the fusion of male and female gametes. Male produces sperm in the testes and female ovary produces egg cell in the ovary. Both the sperm and egg cell are haploid in nature. During the mating, sperm and egg cell fuses with each other. This process is called fertilization. The first diploid cell formed by the fertilization is called zygote. It undergoes cell division and forms an embryo. The embryo undergoes development in egg or mothers uterus for certain period. This period is called pregnancy or embryonic period. After completion of embryonic period mother give birth to young one or eggs are hatched after getting suitable temperature.
3) Write short notes on layering and grafting.
Layering: Layering is an artificial method of reproduction in which roots are developed on stem while the stem is still attached to the parent plant. It is common in jasmine, magnolia, strawberry, raspberry, lemon, etc. In this method a selected branch is bent to the ground and it is covered with moist soil. The apical part produces leaves and under ground part produces roots. after few months the layered branch is separated from mother plant.
Grafting: Grafting is a method of artificial vegetative propagation in which a plant of superior quality is obtained by combining the root system of a plant and shoot system of another plant. The root system taken is called stock and the shoot is called scion.
In grafting, the end of scion and stock to be grafted are out obliquely and placed face to face and bound firmly with tape or cloth. After few months they get joined with each other and the scion starts producing leaves.
4) Explain in brief about the sexual reproduction in plants.
Sexual reproduction in plants generally take place by the fusion of pollen grains with ovule. Androecium is the male reproductive whorl of a flower which contains pollen grains in their anthers. The female reproductive whorl called gynoecium produces ovule or egg cell. It is divided into stigma, style and ovary. The anther, on maturity produces pollen grains. These pollen grains are carried by wind, water, air, insect and place them on stigma. This process is called pollination. The pollen grains on reaching stigma, develop pollen tube and nucleus of pollen grain fuses with egg cell to form seed.
5) Describe the structure of complete flower with diagram.
A complete flower consists of four floral whorls namely calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
Calyx: It is the outermost whorl of flower that carry out photosynthesis and protects the bud.
Corolla: It is the colourful part of a flower that attracts insects for pollination.
Androecium: It is the male reproductive whorl of a flower which produces pollen grains.
Gynoecium: It is the female reproductive whorl of a flower which contains ovule. The pollen grains fuses with ovule to form seed. The ovary of gynoecium develops into fruits.
6) Write short notes on: a) Budding b) Sporulation
Budding: The aerial stem of some plants like sugarcane and crab-grass (Dubo) bear some buds at their nodes which, when comes in contact with moisture, can grow new shoots and roots and take the form of new plants.
Sporulation: The process of reproduction in which lower plants like Ferns, mushroon1s, Marchantia, mucor, etc reproduce asexually by producing spores. A spore is a special type of reproductive unit and it is a single cell. Spores are produced in capsules called sporangia. After maturation, spores spread through wind and germinate into new plants if they get moist places with plenty of organic substances.
7) Study the given diagram and answer the following questions.
i) Which of the artificial vegetative propagation is shown in the figure?
Grafting method of artificial vegetative propagation is shown in the figure.
ii) Write the name of any two plants that reproduces by this method.
The names of two plants that reproduces by this method are: lemon, pear, mango, etc.
iii) How is it done? Explain in short.
In grafting two parts of different plants are taken. One of t hem is taken as root system called stock and the other is shoot system called scion.
In grafting, the end of scion and stock to be grafted are out obliquely and placed face to face and bound firmly with tape or cloth. After few months they get joined with each other and the scion starts producing leaves.
8) Describe the structure of seed with diagram.
The structure of seed with diagram can be described as follows:
A seed is composed of three main parts. They are seed coat, embryo and endosperm.
Seed coat: It is the outermost covering layer of seed. It is made up of two layers. The outer layer is testa and inner layer is tegment.
Embryo: It is the part of the seed which develops into new plant. It consists of three main parts namely plumule, radicle and cotyledon. Plumule develops into shoot system, radicle develops into root system and cotyledon initiate photosynthesis when the plant is very small.
Endosperm: It lies inner to the seed coat. It provide nutrition to the embryo until it become mature enough to carryout photosynthesis.
9) Write any four features of asexual reproduction.
Four features of asexual reproduction are:
(a) Asexual reproduction does not need to produce and fuse male and female ga1netes.
(b) Asexual reproduction has no concept of male and female.
(c) Asexual reproduction can be initiated usually from any vegetative or somatic cell.
(d) Asexual reproduction develops a specific reproductive unit for continuous growth to a new body.
10) Study the given diagram and answer the following questions.
a) Name the method of vegetative propagation.
b) Write the cause that vegetative propagation is applied commercially.
c) Write two importance of this propagation.
11) What are the types of asexual reproduction? Describe any one of them in brief.
The types of asexual reproduction are:
(a) Fission (b) Budding (c) Fragmentation ( d) Regeneration (e) Sporulation (f) Parthenogenesis g) vegetative propagation
Out of these budding is explained here:
Yeast, hydra, obelia, taenia, corals, and jellyfish like lower organisms adopt the budding process for asexual reproduction. In this method, a small bud appears on a body (or, cell) which gradually grows into the co1nplete organism and separates from the parent body.
12) Describe the budding process in hydra with suitable figures.
Budding is a common method of reproduction in hydra. When a hydra get fully matured, it develops an outgrowth on its body. It is called a bud. The bud slowly grows and develops. When the bud get fully grown, it detached from its parents’ body and survive as a free individual.
Figure: Budding in hydra
13) Write the names of the methods of reproduction in the following organisms.
14) yeast, paramecium, pineapple, banana, planaria, begonia, ginger, onion, sugarcane, mucor, sweet potato, spirogyra.
The methods of reproduction in the given organisms are mentioned below:
Yeast: Budding
Paramecium: Multiple fission
Pineapple: Bulbil
Banana: vegetative propagation through rhizome
Planaria: regeneration
Begonia: vegetative propagation through leaf
Ginger: underground stem
Sugarcane: stem cutting
Mucorr: sporulation
Sweet potato: vegetative propagation through roots
Spirogyra: fragmentation
15) Name the method of dispersal for the given seeds: mango, chestnut, maple, gram, cobbler pegs (Kuro), sesame seed (teel), pumpkin, coconut
The methods of dispersal of seeds for the given plants are:
Mango: Dispersal by animals and human
Chestnut: Dispersal by bursting of pods.
Maple: Dispersal by wind
Cobbler pegs(Kuro): Dispersal by animals
Sesame seed(teel): dispersal by bursting of pods.
Pumpkin: Dispersal by animals
Coconut: Dispersal by gravity
Draw a neat and labeled diagram of an ovum and sperm.
- If a dog gives birth to four puppies then which type of reproduction is this? Describe the importance of gametes in sexual reproduction.
If a dog gives birth to four puppies then it is sexual reproduction. Gametes are the sex cell of male and female. Without gametes, sexual reproduction is impossible. Gametes are haploid in nature. These haploid gametes (male and female) fuse together to form zygote. The zygote is diploid. Thus, the race of organism is continued and the chromosome number are kept constant by the gametes.
- Name the type of fertilization in given animals: Human, pigeon, tortoise, butterfly, fish, bat, frog, cow, dragonfly, whale
Human being: Internal fertilization
Pigeon: Internal fertilization
Tortoise: Internal fertilization
Butterfly: Internal fertilization
Fish: External fertilization
Bat: Internal fertilization
Frog: External fertilization
Cow: Internal fertilization
Dragonfly: Internal fertilization
Whale: Internal fertilization
- Cross-pollination usually occur in colourful and well scented flowers having nectar in which the anther and stigma mature in different times. How to do ‘fragrance in flower’ and the ‘different time for anther and stigma to be matured’ assure the cross pollination process? Describe in brief.
Insects are the main agent of cross-pollination. Colourful and well-scented flower with nectar attracts insects more than dull flowers. Fragrance in flower attracts insects and they move from one flower to another in search of nectar. During foraging, pollen grains of get attached on their body which is taken unknowingly to the other flower by the insects. These pollen get attached with the stigma of another plant with different time of maturity of anther. Thus, it lead to cross pollination.
Write the methods of dispersal of seeds and explain anyone of them with a figure and example.
The methods of dispersal of seeds are:
(a) dispersal through wind (b) dispersal through water ( c) dispersal by animals ( d) dispersal by gravity ( e) dispersal by bursting of pods
Dispersal of seed by water is explained here:
Seeds of hydrophytes, plants that grow at river banks and wetlands are dispersed through water. Such seeds are water-proof, light and floating type. When their fruits ripen and fall in the water, they are carried by water up to distant places. Lotus, Lily, Mangrove, Coconut, cattail etc. are dispersed running or moving through water.
6) Mention any four importance of the germination of seeds in points.
Four importance of germination of seed are:
a) Seed germination helps in continuity of generation.
b) The germination of seeds help in the production of flowers, fruits and seeds.
c) Germinated seeds have more nutrients that are good for health.
d) Germination of seeds help in the growth of plants and increase biodiversity.
7) Study the given figure and answer the following questions.
a) Name A, B, C, D, E, F and G.
A = Plumule, B = epicotyle, C= testa, D = tegmen, E= hypocotyl, F = radical, G = cotyledon.
b) While germinating, what is developed from part A?
A is plumule and shoot system is developed from A.
c) Do all seeds have part G? What does this part do?
Yes all the seeds have part G, it helps to initiate photosynthesis.
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