Science: Practice Questions


Practice Test Paper

Class:10                                                                                                                                F.M:75

Sub: Science                                                                                                                       P.M:30


GROUP-A [1×15=15]

1.       Define acceleration due to gravity.

2.       State Pascal’s law.

3.       Define one calorie.

4.       Define tidal energy.

5.       What is power of lens?

6.       What is filament lamp?

7.       What is chromosome?

8.       Define mutation.

9.       What are meninges?

10.   Name two types of silkworms found in Nepal.

11.   What is uric acid?

12.   What is grafting?

13.   What is environmental pollution?

14.   What are comets?

15.   What is fossil?

GROUP-B [2×13=26]

16.   What is monohybrid cross? State law of segregation.

17.   Differentiate between external and internal fertilization.

18.   What is turner’s syndrome? Write its symptoms.

19.   A weightlifter can lift 150kgmass on the  earth. How much mass can he lift on the surface of the moon? The value of ‘g’ on the earth is 9.8 m/s2 and that on moon is 1.67m/s2.

20.   Differentiate between clinical  thermometer and  laboratory thermometer.

21.   What is pericardium? Write down the function of pericardial fluid.

22.   Where is spinal cord located? Write down its major functions.

23.   What is syringe? Name its main parts.

24.   Write any four measures to solve energy crisis in Nepal.

25.   Draw a ray diagram for a convex lens when an object is kept beyond 2F.

26.    What is electric power consumption? Define 1 Kwhr.

27.   Differentiate between troposphere and stratosphere.

28.   Mention any four purposes of launching artificial satellites to space.

GROUP-C [3×6=18]

29.   What change in gravitational force between two bodies can be observed when the distance between them is halved? The weight of a body changes from place to place on the earth, Give reason.

30.   Differentiate between upthrust and density. An iron nail sinks in water but floats in mercury, Give reason.

31.   What is a cocoon ? How can we extract silk from cocoon?

32.   Study the given table and answer the following  questions:














a)      Which filial generation does this result belong to?

b)      What is hybrid? What is the percentage of hybrids in this generation?

c)       Which pair of genotype indicates pure red-flowered pea plant?

33.   Mention any four effects of air pollution. What is green house effect?

34.   What is coal ?Explain the process of coal formation.

GROUP-D [4×4=16]

35.   Nichrome wire is used as a heating element, Give reason. What is transformer? What will be the cost of one day  for using a heater of 1000W for 10 hrs and 4 bulbs of 50W each for 15 hrs. The cost of one unit is Rs. 9.5.

36.   Differentiate between WBC and platelets. What is blood pressure? The wall of ventricle is thicker than that of  auricles, Give reason.

37.   Write down the major function of insulin. What are exocrine glands? Write a difference between cerebrum and cerebellum. Pituitary gland is called master gland, Give reason.

38.   Differentiate between comets and meteors. Define synodic month. Write the names of galaxies on the basis of shape.   [THE END]

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