Class 9 Science: Lesson 2 Force


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Rest and motion

Speed and Velocity

Uniform velocity 

Non-uniform velocity


Equation of motion 


Relation between Mass and Inertia

Newton’s First Laws of Motion

Newton’s Second Laws of Motion

Newton’s Third Laws of Motion

Balanced and imbalanced force


When we are traveling from one place to another place through bus, when the bus stops suddenly or it moves suddenly we feel its motion. When a ball is thrown upward, it returns back to the earth. We experience such motion and force regularly and repeatedly in our day to day life. Such cases are related with speed, acceleration, force, etc. In this chapter we are going to study about above mentioned topics. Force is simply a push or pull on an object. It can be defied as an external agency that changes or tends to change the state of a body.

Rest and Motion

Nobody in this universe stays completely at rest. It means all the bodies in the universe are in motion. Flying birds, running vehicles, walking men, etc. are in motion. Our earth is in the state of motion. All the bodies present in this universe such as constellations, galaxies, sun, stars, planets, satellites, etc. are always in motion.

When we see a building, it is at rest. Similarly, we see the flying birds,

Running vehicles, walking people and flowing rivers. These are in motion. Buildings around us are at rest, it means they don’t change their position with respect to their surrounding objects. But the moving objects change their position with respect to their surrounding objects. An object may be in motion with respect to other objects. An object is in motion or rest in different situation.

For example; while travelling in a bus, the passengers in it are at rest with respect to the other passengers in the bus, but at the same time they feel themselves in motion with respect to the trees, electric poles, houses, etc. present along the road side.

So, rest and motion are the relative terms. Thus, we can define motion and rest as follows.

Motion: When an object changes its position with respect to its surrounding objects, the object is said to be in motion.

Rest: When an object does not change its position with respect to its surrounding objects, then the object is said to be at rest.

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Speed and Velocity

The speed of an object gives information on how fast or slow an object is moving. It does not tell us about the direction of its motion. So, the total distance covered by an object per unit time in any direction is called its speed. Its SI unit is metre per second (m/s).

Speed =Total distance covered in any direction (s)/Time taken (t)


Speed is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude but no direction.

The physical quantity which has magnitude only is called scalar quantity.

Magnitude is simply the possession of any quantity like length, mass, time, etc.


The distance covered by a body in a fixed direction is called displacement.

It has both magnitude and direction. If a body moves 6 meter towards South, its displacement is 6 metre. Here, 6 meter is magnitude and South is direction.

The physical quantity which has both magnitude and direction is called a vector quantity.

 The total displacement covered by an object per unit time is called its velocity. Velocity has both magnitude and direction. So, it is a vector quantity. Its SI unit is metre per second (m/s).

Velocity =Total distance covered in a fixed direction or displacement (d)/Time taken (t)

V = s/t

(Where, v= velocity, s= displacement and t= time)

In SI system, the unit of displacement is metre (m) and the unit of time is second. So the unit of velocity is metre per second (m/s).

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Uniform Velocity

If an object covers equal distance in equal interval of time in a fixed direction in a straight line, the velocity of the object is called uniform velocity.

To become the uniform velocity, the direction of the speed must

have a fixed direction.  If a body is continuously changing its position or moving in a circular path then it is not said to be in uniform velocity.


Non-unification Velocity

If an object covers unequal distance in a fixed direction in each second, it is said to be in non-uniform velocity. In the same way, if it covers an equal distance in each second in different directions, it is also said to be

in non-uniform velocity. In this condition, the speed of the body is equal but its velocity is unequal.

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The velocity of a body may be decreased or increased with time.

If an object shows unequal velocity in a given interval of time, then the change in its velocity does not become zero. Such type of motion is called accelerated motion.

For example; If you apply more force on the peddle of your bicycle, the velocity of the bicycle increases and if you apply the brake, its velocity decreases. Here, the motion of the bicycle is called accelerated motion.


The rate of change in velocity of an object is called acceleration.

Acceleration (a) = Change in velocity/Time taken

Or, Acceleration (a) =Final velocity(v) - Initial velocity(u)/Time taken

(Where, v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, t = time taken)


The SI unit of acceleration is m/s2.

·       An object has zero acceleration if it moves with the uniform velocity.

·       The negative acceleration is called retardation. If the velocity of an object goes on decreasing, it is said to have retardation.

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Equation of motion

The relation among displacement (s) initial velocity (u), final velocity (v), acceleration (a) and time taken (t) is called equation of motion.

We can derive equation of motion from the definition of average velocity and of acceleration.

Suppose a body is moving with an equal acceleration along a straight line, then

Displacement = s Initial velocity = u

Final velocity = v Acceleration = a

Time taken = t

The relation among a, v, u and t

From the definition of acceleration,

Acceleration (a) =Final velocity - Initial velocity/Time taken

Or, a =(v – u)/t

Or, at = v - u

Or v = u + at ……………(i)

The relation among s, u, v and t

Average velocity =

(Initial velocity + Final velocity)/2

The total distance covered by an object = Average velocity Time taken

Total distance covered (s) = (Initial velocity + Final velocity)/2 x time

The relation among u, v, a and t

The total distance covered by an object = Average velocity Time taken

Things to remember

1. If a body is starting from rest, its initial velocity becomes zero. (u = 0)

2. If a body finally comes at rest after covering certain distance, the final

velocity becomes zero.(v = 0)

3. If a body is retarding, the acceleration has negative value.

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All bodies in the universe tries to be at their position.  A body at rest tries to be at rest and a body in motion tries to be in motion in the same direction with the same velocity. Position of a body changes only when external force is applied on the body. In this way, the tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line is called inertia.

Types of Inertia

There are two types of inertia. They are:

(A) Inertia of motion (B) Inertia of rest

(A) Inertia of motion

The inertia present in a moving object is called inertia of motion. Due to the inertia of motion, the moving object continues its motion with the same velocity towards the same direction.

Examples o Inertia of motion:

1.    A fan keeps on moving for some time even  after the electricity is switched off. Electric fan runs because of electric power, but it keeps on moving even after the electric supply is cut off due to the inertia of motion. The fan should be stopped as soon as the switch is off but it doesn’t stop because of inertia of motion.

2.    The passengers in a moving bus are thrown ahead when the bus stops suddenly. When the bus is in motion, the passengers are also in motion along with the bus but when the bus stops suddenly, the lower part of the passengers come to the rest but the upper part of the body tries to be in motion due to inertia of motion. As a result, the upper part of the body is thrown ahead due to the inertia of motion.

3.    An athlete runs some distance before taking a long jump. By doing so, the velocity of run acquired by the athletic is added to the velocity taken by him at the time of jump. Hence, the athlete is able to jump longer distance.

4.    A person getting down from a moving bus falls in the direction of motion of the bus. This is because the feet of the person come to rest on stepping the ground but the upper part of the body continuous to be in motion due to inertia of motion. Hence, the person falls in the direction of the motion of the bus.

(B) Inertia of rest

The inertia present in a resting body is called inertia of rest. Due to inertia of rest, a resting body tries to be at rest and it does not change its position unless any external force is applied on it.

1.    Due to inertia of rest, a mango fruit falls down from the branch while shaking it forcefully. In the beginning, the fruit along with the branch remains at rest. When we shake the branch, it comes into motion, but due to inertia of rest, the mango fruit tries to be at rest. As a result of inertia of rest of the fruit, it detaches from the branch and falls down.

2.    Due to the inertia of rest, the dust particles of the clothes fall down when we beat the clothes. When a dusty cloth is beaten with a stick, dust particles are cleared. This is because on beating, the cloth comes in motion but the dust particles tries to remain in rest due to inertia of rest. Hence dust particles falls down under the effect of gravity.

3.    When a bus starts suddenly, the passengers inside the bus fall backwards. This is because the lower part of the body of the passengers comes in motion along with the motion of the bus but the upper part of the body tries to remain at rest due to inertia of rest. Hence they fall backwards.

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Relation between Mass and Inertia

We can push a bicycle by applying certain force but we can’t push a truck by applying the same magnitude of force. This is because; the inertia of rest of a truck is more than that of a bicycle. Form the given example; we can say that a body having more mass has more inertia and a body having less mass has less inertia. Look at the video for the relation between mass and inertia.


It is experienced that more force is required for a body having more mass to bring it into rest. Similarly, more force is required to bring a body moving with high velocity.

From the statement, it is clear that the magnitude of motion of a body depends on its mass and velocity. So, the magnitude of motion of a body is called its momentum.

The product of mass of a body and its velocity is called momentum.


Momentum = mass × velocity

In the above formula, unit of mass is kg and unit of velocity is m/s. So, SI unit of momentum is kgm/s. The momentum of a body at rest is zero.

Momentum of a body depends on the mass and its velocity. A body having more mass and velocity; has more momentum than the body having less mass and less velocity.

This is the reason why a cricket ball hurts more than a shuttle cock.

Newton’s Laws of Motion

You might have heard the name of the famous scientist, Newton, of Britain.

The laws of motion formulated by him are famous till today. He formulated

three laws of motion in 1687. Now, let’s discuss these three laws.

Newton’s first law of motion

Newton's first law of motion states that everybody continues to be in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless an external force is applied on it.”

This law is fully related to the law of inertia. It means that, force is required to change the inertia of rest of a body into inertia of motion and inertia of motion of a body into inertia of rest. Hence, Newton’s first law of motion is also called law of inertia. This law also gives the definition of force.

The ball won't stop unless any external force is applied to stop it.

Newton's second law of motion

Newton's second law of motion states that acceleration produced on a body is directly proportional to the force applied on it and inversely proportional to its mass”


Acceleration (a) Force (F) a?F………….(i) (If mass of the body is kept constant)

Acceleration (a)a?1/m …………….(ii) (If applied force is kept constant)

Combining both equations,


Or, F ? ma ……………….(iii)

F = kma (Here, k is a constant)

In equation (iii) if a = 1 m/s2, m = 1 kg, the value of F becomes 1N. So, in this condition the value of k also becomes 1. Therefore;

F = ma

The force which produces 1m/s2 acceleration in a body of mass 1 kg is called 1 Newton.

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Newton's third law of motion

Newton's third law of motion states that every action has equal but opposite reaction”

The third law of motion describes the features of force. It also proves that forces act in pair. According to this law, every action has equal but opposite reaction.

Some Examples:

·       While launching a rocket into the space, the hot gases produced by the rapid burning of fuel rush downward but the rocket goes upward.

·       While firing a gun, bullet moves in the forward direction but the gun recoils in the backward direction.

·       While rowing a boat, water is pulled in backward direction but the boat moves forward.

·       While opening an air filled balloon turning its mouth downward, the air comes down but the balloon moves upward.

·       Birds while flying push the air downwards with their wings. Due to this action air exert equal and opposite force to the wings and hence lift them upwards.

·       We are able to walk on the ground due to the opposite reaction of the ground on our feet.

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Balanced and Imbalanced Forces

If resultant of the applied forces on an object is zero, such forces are called balanced forces. Balanced forces can’t bring a body into motion.

For example; in the game tug of war, the rope remains steady if both the team apply equal force to the opposite direction.


If resultant of the applied forces on an object does not become zero, such forces are called imbalanced forces. Imbalanced forces bring an object into motion. While pushing a bicycle, frictional force creates obstruction to bring it into motion but our force is more than the frictional force and hence motion is produced in the bicycle. At this time, the resultant of the applied forces in the bicycle does not become zero.

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